bit inspections

What is a BIT Inpection? How do you Pass?

What is a BIT Inspection? You’re no stranger to fleet inspections if you own or oversee a fleet in California. You should already know about the federally required Department of Transportation (DOT) Inspection, but you might need to familiarize yourself with another one: the BIT inspection.  Below, we’ll address all your questions about this California-required […]

clean truck check

What is the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation and the Clean Truck Check?

What is the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation and the Clean Truck Check? California has long been at the forefront of eco-friendly initiatives focused on improving and protecting the environment. In fact, the state has its own environmental protection agency, which oversees the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Known as the “Clean Air Agency” of California, […]

CARB Truck Rule Compliance Required for DMV Registration

CARB Truck Rule Compliance Required for DMV Registration

As of 2020, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will verify compliance to ensure that vehicles subject to the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Truck and Bus Regulation meet the requirements prior to obtaining DMV registration. What are the CARB requirements I must meet to ensure that DMV can register my vehicle? The Truck […]